


 ☞入園式 (10日(金))は予定通り開催
 新入生は郵送した「2020年度入園式 / 4月保護者会についてのご案内」を確認
  年少/さくら(9時より) 年長/たんぽぽ(11時より)

We would like to inform you again about the response after next week.
For more details, We will send you the letter .

Kindergarten closed on 6th(Mon). 
 Childcare is closed too.
Kindergarten closed from 7th (Tue) to 17th (Fri).
 However, childcare held during leave is implemented.
 in principle, only those who need childcare due to employment of parents, etc.
Admission ceremony (Fri, 10th) will be held as planned.
Parents' Meeting (Sat, 11th) will be held with a time difference by class
  3 years old class / Sakura (from 9:00) 5 years old class / Tampopo (from 11:00)
Free attendance day from 20th(Mon) to 30th(Thu)
Swimming (4 times in the previous term(5 years old class)) will be canceled
Excursion (Friday, May 22) will be canceled
Personal interviews (all grades) will be postponed from May 11 (Mon) to 29 (Fri)

Thank you and the best regards.