
▶横須賀市役所 脅迫メール受信に伴う 6/28㈫の対応について


 明日28日()限定で、幼稚園児及び女子小学生を誘拐する等の予告メールが送られてきたと市役所より報告がありました。尚、当該MAILは複数の自治体に送られている模様で、いたずらメールの類と思われますが、念の為 以下の通り対応します。








We received a report from the city hall.

The content is that a notice mail such as kidnapping kindergarten children and elementary school girls was sent only tomorrow 28th (Tuesday).

In addition, it seems that it has been sent to multiple local governments.

This time, it seems to be a kind of mischievous email, but just in case, the kindergarten will take the following measures.


1,The kindergarten will be operated as usual, including the operation of the bus, but only tomorrow, you will be free to attend the kindergarten. (even if you are absent, you will be treated as attending). However, if you are worried, please take a rest. Also, please keep an eye on your child when attending.

We will take a closer look.


2,The birthday party will be postponed and will be announced as soon as the schedule is decided.


The kindergarten is a precaution, so don't be too sensitive and lets keep your children safe in the kindergarten with us and guardians as usual. Thank you for your cooperation.

Thank you and best regards